Prof. Robert L. McCrory appointed University Professor for his many contributions

April 4, 2014

Robert L. McCrory was appointed University Professor in recognition of his contributions to the physics and engineering community, the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) and to the University in general, at an installation ceremony on April 3.

“As director of the LLE, he has led the largest single laboratory and research program at the University of Rochester,” said University President Joel Seligman. “He has worked tirelessly in Washington, D.C. as an advocate for high-energy-density physics and the laboratory. He has recruited outstanding colleagues and has been a visionary of international prominence for his work," Seligman added.

 In addition to his position as the LLE director, which he has held since 1983, he also serves as vice president and vice provost of the University. In 1984 he was named associate professor of mechanical engineering and was promoted to full professor in 1986. He has also been a professor of physics since 1999. Read more . . .